Robin Hollingdrake

Robin Hollingdrake

Digital image. RobinHollingdrake. Web. 4 October. 2016.

About the Artist

Holingdrake was born in 1953 in the western suburbs of Toronto in what was then Port Credit/ Clarkson. Robin received early and constant encouragement from her mother, Patience Morrisey a graduate of the Ontario College of Art, who kept going a very active painting, print making and ceramics studio. Her grand mother Mabel Harris was a gifted painter and draughts person schooled at the Slade School of Fine Art in London, England. Hollingdrake’s sister Catherine Morrsiey is a landscape painter and has a significant profile in the arts community in London, Ontario. Suburban 1960’s Toronto, hardly a hot bed of arts activity, but her upbringing and exposure to the arts involved total immersion. Hollingdrake attended the Ontario College of Peel Region with special gifts. She attended the Ontario College of Art from 1971 to 1973 and won the Reeves and Sons Scholarship Award in 1972. She also attended Sheridan College School of Crafts and Design from which she graduated in 1978 from the Ceramics Program.

Categories: Art

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